Saturday, December 26, 2009

When do you use a toner on your hair instead of hair dye?

The last time I had my hair colored in any way they first removed color (it was way too black) and then they put in a toner because I just wanted it to be really dark brown/almost black. It turned out really good and lasted a long time, but it has since faded to a lighter/duller shade of brown. I want my hair that rich dark/almost black color again. Do I ask for toner or regular color? (My hair is long by the way.) And is toner gentler than regular color?When do you use a toner on your hair instead of hair dye?
A toner is used after the removal of color it is not as harsh as regular color and not as strong. Depending on your hair condition they could color it or do a toner. If your hair is in ok shape ask for the same shade but in a demi permanent color it is not as damaging as permanent color and will last longer than a toner.When do you use a toner on your hair instead of hair dye?
you would need to get it colored again...depending on how long ago you colored it before...tell them what was done last time and you want it the same way

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