Saturday, December 26, 2009

I bleached my brown hair with a toner and its still yellow. To rebleach how long do i leave the bleach on?

I bleached my hair and used a toner and it still was yellow. Im pretty sure I need to re-bleach my hair (i will wait about a week or so) but im not sure how long to leave the bleach in this time since it is already so light. I dont want it to turn out white!I bleached my brown hair with a toner and its still yellow. To rebleach how long do i leave the bleach on?
I have a question: does hair have to be dry to put the toner on? I bleached my brown hair with a toner and its still yellow. To rebleach how long do i leave the bleach on?
Cut a snippet of your hair from the back of your head, in the neck area. Make a solution of the toner and put it in a shallow plastic container, such as a lid. Set the hair in the toner and check on it about every 5 to 10 min. This not only will tell you how long to leave it on your hair for the results that you want, but it will also tell you if your hair can withstand the chemical solution. When it gets to the color stage that you want, take a strand of the test hair and hold at each end, gently, but with a little force, stretch the strand. This is called a tinsel strength test. If there is some give to the strand and you can stretch a bit then your hair will be ok. If it seems like jello or breaks easily, then you really should forgo any chemical process until your hair is strong enough. If you have any doubts then go see your stylist.

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