Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can I use color rather than toner after I bleach my hair?

Wouldn't it be more permanent than toner? I'm thinking of getting the hair to a light yellow and then using a blue based blonde with 20 volume developer.Can I use color rather than toner after I bleach my hair?
That works as long as you lightened more than you wanted.

example: You bleached to a platinum (10) and then you put an ash blond (8 or 9) over it. Your only worry is that the undertone (the blue) will grab too much. To prevent this you would only leave the color on as long as you would a normal toner (around 5 minutes)

If in 5 minutes it grabbed too much blue, simply add a bit of mixed bleach to shampoo in your hand and massage out the color. (with 20 vol bleach this should take around 5 minutes or so). The color will stay but the unwanted undertone will fade considerably.

Good luck.

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